Comprehensive Plan 2044
What do you want Medina to look like in 20 years? Join us as we build a Comprehensive Plan that reflects your vision for Medina.
We want to hear from you!
Which logo do you think best represents your vision for Medina in the Comprehensive Plan 2044? Vote here. Deadline is July 15.
June 2023 Update
Thank you for your survey responses, as well as your enthusiastic participation and compelling feedback at the January Community Visioning workshop. Since then, City Staff and consultants have been hard at work to address the concerns you raised and find ways to incorporate your ideas for Medina. This will be summarized in an updated plan for the city that will be presented in July to the Council for their comments.
Keep an eye out for another public survey that will come out in July. We want to know what you think about this new direction being considered for the City of Medina.
Over the Fall, we will be working on identifying new policies as well as recommendations for public investments that will guide the City of Medina as it makes strides towards realizing its 20-year vision.
We are looking forward to seeing you in person during Medina Days!
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
This is your opportunity to help create the blueprint for how Medina will look in the next 20 years. The first way you can participate is by completing the Public Survey and signing up to receive updates right to your email.
You can learn more about the process and share additional questions you might have in the FAQs section below.
Community Workshop
Our first community visioning workshop was a great success! Thank you for joining us. Check back here for updates on future Comprehensive Plan events and surveys.
Medina Today
The first step to imagining Medina’s future is understanding its present. Medina is home to nearly 3000 people, four parks, one country club, a post office, grocery store, three schools, and one church. To learn more about your community before you fill out the survey, you can click here to view the U.S. Census Bureau's community profile for Medina.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is a policy document that guides growth and development. By looking ahead 20-years, this long-range plan anticipates the needs of current and future residents, workers, and visitors to Medina. The plan is used by City Council, Medina's Boards and Commissions, and city staff to make decisions about housing, transportation, parks, and more. The Comprehensive Plan is required to be updated every 10 years. The 2024 update is currently underway!
When is the City of Medina’s next Comprehensive Plan update?
During 2022–2024, the City will conduct a periodic update of its Comprehensive Plan. Per the Growth Management Act, the process must provide opportunities for community members to participate and share their vision for their community. For more information, visit the project webpage or contact Stephanie Keyser at Since the 1990 Growth Management Act, the City’s Comprehensive Plan has been updated many times: 1994; 1999 (amended by Ordinance No. 660); 2005 (amended by Ordinance No. 783); 2012 (amended by Ordinance No. 886); 2012 (amended by Ordinance No. 887); 2014 (amended by Ordinance No. 906); and 2015 (amended by Ordinance No. 924).
How does the Comprehensive Plan update affect me?
The Comprehensive Plan update is an opportunity to share your ideas for Medina’s future for the next 20 years. Once the vision for the city is clear, the plan will make recommendations for new policies, programs, and regulations to help make that vision a reality. The plan will also identify and make recommendations for necessary improvements to public infrastructure to support the City’s desired future. Lastly, participating in the Comprehensive Plan update process is a great opportunity to give back to your community and get to know some of your neighbors.
Who decides what the Comprehensive Plan says?
The City engages with the community to develop a shared vision for Medina based on common values, goals, and desires. Using this community feedback, state and regional requirements, planning best practices, guidance from City Council, and in collaboration with city staff, the Medina Planning Commission prepares a draft of the Plan. The draft will be discussed during public meetings and well publicized public hearings, both of which will offer opportunities for the public to provide comments. Planning Commission's recommendation on the draft Plan will be forwarded to City Council. The Medina City Council will also hold a well publicized public hearing and is ultimately responsible for adopting the Comprehensive Plan Update.
What other factors must be considered during this Comprehensive Plan update?
A Comprehensive Plan puts forth a description of the relationship between and the management of Medina’s land use, infrastructure, fiscal health, and natural environment with the desired future for the community. In Washington, our Growth Management Act provides a framework for comprehensive planning and describes the importance of regional collaboration. In the case of the Puget Sound area, this Comprehensive Plan will align with the Puget Sound Regional Council Vision 2050, which establishes goals for the region. In addition, there are policies embedded in King County’s Countywide Planning Policies that will be reviewed for their relevance to this plan update. The final Comprehensive Plan will be reviewed by state agencies, such as the Department of Commerce.
How is the Comprehensive Plan used?
The Comprehensive Plan is a decision-making tool for use by Medina’s staff, Planning Commission, and Council. By encapsulating the community’s vision, values, and goals for its future, it is also a great resource for potential investors and developers seeking to invest in the community. As such, it is a marketing tool, and it is reviewed when applying for some grants from King County, Washington agencies, and the federal government.
What topics are addressed in the Comprehensive Plan?
Per the Revised Code of Washington (RCW 36.70A.070), the City of Medina is required to have Land Use, Housing, Utilities, Transportation, and Capital Facilities Elements in the Comprehensive Plan. In addition, the City of Medina’s 2015 Comprehensive Plan has a Natural Environment, Community Design, and Parks and Open Space Element.
What does each element cover?
Transportation Element
This element covers the circulation, safety and parking requirements for cars, bicycles, pedestrians, and transit.

This element outlines how land can be used to meet future population growth while accounting for environmental protection, economic conditions, and preserving community character.
Parks and Open Space
This element addresses parks, open spaces, trails, athletic fields or playgrounds, and recreation facilities as established in the City's Capital Improvement Plan which is updated annually.
Natural Environment
This element focuses on the environment, including the protection of habitat areas, planning for natural hazards, protecting air and water quality, and planning for climate change.
Shoreline Management
This element provides direction for the protection, restoration, and preservation of the character and ecological functions of the City’s abundant shoreline.
Capital Facilities
This element describes how structures and infrastructure that are owned and operated by public entities and their associated services, including administration, public safety, schools, water and sewer and storm drainage can meet the needs of the projected growth.
This section focuses on the location and capacity of all existing and proposed utilities, including electrical, telecommunication and natural gas lines, as well as solid waste and recycling programs and facilities.
Have another question? Reach out to us below!
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